When you have completed your assignment you should send it to your tutor by clicking on Start Assignment.
You should then click on Browse to locate the completed Assignment on your computer.
Add any covering comments you wish to make in the Comments box and then click Submit Assignment.
The assignment together with any covering comments will be sent to your tutor who will be notified by email that you have submitted an assignment.
After you have submitted your work, you will see information in the Sidebar letting you know that your assignment has been submitted successfully. Please click 'Submission details' to verify the assignment has been submitted correctly. At times, the file fails to upload due to an unnoticed brief internet failure, but the "Submitted!' message still appears. PLEASE NOTE
So that you have the most up-to-date version of your assignment we advise you to download each assignment only when you are ready to complete it. Downloading all assignments at the beginning of your course risks working from out-of-date versions of the assignment.
Tutors will post an Announcement if an assignment has changed, so please check Canvas regularly to see if any have been updated.
You can also see details about your assignment and links to additional feedback in the Gradebook by clicking on Grades in the left menu bar.
We ask that you do not re-submit an assignment once it has been marked. Once you have had your marked assignment returned you will be able to access the Mark Scheme and/or a Specimen Answer.
Please check the following boxes before submitting your work:
☑️only one file is being submitted (unless different file types are required for the submission, for example in languages or computer science) HELP - Merge multi-page documents
☑️the page size is under 210 mm x 300mm or 8.5 x 11 inches - HELP - Fixing page size
☑️the file size is under 20MB in size.
If any of the above requirements are not met, your work will be unsuitable for grading and you shall be asked to reformat it and resubmit – which will unfortunately lead to a delay in receiving feedback.