Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, and any other device with a modern web browser.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you use Google Chrome as your browser for the best experience with Canvas. Please make sure you are using the most up to date version of Chrome as well as the most up-to-date Flash plug-in. 

Please click here Links to an external site. to see the list of browsers Canvas currently supports.


You may notice that some links don't appear in Canvas, and instead an empty box appears. This is due to security settings which have been introduced by browsers to protect users from unwanted content on the Internet. 

Unfortunately, it also prevents Canvas from opening some content within the system. This is nothing to be concerned about. 

Your browser will display a shield icon in the browser address bar.  You can display the content by clicking the shield icon and then clicking the Load unsafe script button.


If you visit a page in your course that is linked to insecure content, Chrome will display a shield icon [1] in the browser address bar.

You can choose to override the security restriction and display the content anyway by clicking the shield icon and then clicking the Load unsafe script button [2].



If you visit a page in your course that is linked to outside content, Firefox will display a lock icon in the browser address bar.

You can choose to override the security restriction and display the content anyway by clicking the lock icon [1], clicking the arrow in the drop-down menu [2], and selecting the Disable protection for now option [3].



Canvas have a student app available for iOS and Android. Search for 'Canvas Student' in the App store, or click the links below.

Android App Links to an external site.

iOS app Links to an external site.

Please note: While there exists a 'Parent App', we do not advise using it, as it does not allow you to view your child's grades or assignments.


We do not recommend any specific VPNs as the best one will differ depending on each student's situation. PCWorld review the best ones on the market each year and offer a good overview of the pros and cons of the various services available.

READ - Best VPNs; Review and Buying Advice (PCWorld) Links to an external site.