When a student navigates to the Assignment Menu, a list of assignments will be displayed. The student can then choose the desired assignment from the list to view or submit their work.
Clicking on an Assignment reveals a screen displaying the Assignment with instructions and a link to the Canvas guide. The icons at the bottom display the submission types available for the student to select from.
You can click the Assignment link to open and download it to your computer.
The submission type comprises file uploads, webcam photos, and media recordings based on the assignment type.
You will see the message Unlimited Attempts Allowed. This means you are able to resubmit work if a prior submission was incorrectly formatted or uploaded in error. Your current attempt number is shown in the drop-down above.
Locked assignments show a lock icon and message. If your assignment is locked because of module prerequisites, you can see course modules by clicking the modules page link.
- To write your examination answers by hand, complete assignments manually unless typing permission is granted.
- Please use black ink.
- Please then scan and submit as merged PDF files.
- This will help you practice writing by hand under timed, examination conditions.
- Digital styluses are allowed if the text is locked and no enabling software, e.g. written to typed or predictive text, is used.
Please check the following before submitting your work:
Only one file is being submitted (unless different file types are required for the submission, e.g. in languages or computer science) HELP - Merge multi-page documents
Page size is 210 mm x 297mm or 8.5 x 11 inches - HELP - Fixing page size
The file size should be under 20MB. If not, please click here to reduce the size Links to an external site..
If any of the above requirements are not met, your work will be unsuitable for grading, and you shall be asked to reformat it and resubmit – which will, unfortunately, lead to a delay in receiving feedback.