We suggest you bookmark your Wolsey Hall login page to Canvas in your browser, so that you can get there easily.

The first time you are enrolled on a Wolsey Hall course, a Canvas account will be created for you. You will receive an email containing a link to finish the registration process.


Follow the link and complete your registration by filling in the form. If your city is not listed in the time zones, choose another city in your time zone.



Once you’ve created an account, to log in simply insert your username/email and password in the appropriate boxes and click Login. If you're using a computer to which no one else has access, you may wish to click the box Stay signed in and you won’t have to insert your log-in details each time. If you are using a shared computer DO NOT tick Stay Signed In.



After you have completed your registration, you will need to accept the invitation to join your course. This can be done in one of two ways:

1. When you log in to your Canvas account, on the dashboard page you will see a message inviting you to join the course. Please click accept.


2. You will have received an email inviting you to join the course. Click the Get Started button to continue.


You will see the following screen. Please choose 'I have a Canvas account' and enter your details to log in.



WARNING: If you see the notice below, click 'No' and follow these instructions on sharing a computer.



NOTE: If you are sharing a computer with a sibling, please follow these instructions.