Submitting PDFs

Before submitting your assignment as a PDF or Word document, please verify the following:

1. Have you merged separate files into one document?

You can do so online:

Upload the file to a website such as Links to an external site.  or Links to an external site. which will merge the files for you.

If you have a Mac, the Preview software will allow you to merge files by doing the following:

  1. Open a PDF in Preview.
  2. Choose View > Thumbnails to show page thumbnails in the sidebar.
  3. To indicate where to insert the other document, select a page thumbnail. 
  4. Choose Edit > Insert > Page from File,* select the PDF that you want to add, then click Open. 
  5. To save, choose File > Export as PDF.

2. Is the file size under 20 MB?

To check the file size on a PC: Right-click on the file and click Properties from the pop up list. 

Properties dialogue box in Windows

To check the file size on a Mac: Control-click or right-click on it, and click Get Info from the popup list

Info box for Mac

If the file is over 20 MB, you will need to reduce the file size.

To do so, you may compress it using your own PDF software, or upload the file to a website such as Links to an external site. or Links to an external site. which will compress the file for you.

Note: this is not recommended if you have a slow internet connection.

3. Is the file A4 or Letter size?

If not, you need to reduce the image size or resolution.

On a PC

a. Open the file in Adobe Reader.

b. Click on File>Print or the Print button.

Adobe print button

c. In the list of printers, select 'Microsoft Print to PDF'.

Print dialogue.png

d. Under 'Page size and handling' select 'Shrink oversized pages'.

e. Click on 'Page setup' and ensure that the page size is A4.


f. Click 'Print'. A dialogue box will appear asking you where you want to save the file. 


On a Mac: 

a. Open the document or file with Preview.

b. Click the File menu and select “Print”.

c. Click the Show Details button.

d. Choose A4 or Letter from the Paper Size menu.

e. Now look for the “PDF” button in the lower left corner, click on that pull-down menu, and select “Save as PDF”.

f. Click “Save” in the save dialogue box, and save the file to whatever location you want (Documents is default).