The Inbox is where you will communicate with your tutor about your course(s). It is split into two panels and displays messages chronologically. You can compose, view and reply to conversations and sort them by course or inbox type.

To access the Inbox, click the icon in the left menu bar. If the Inbox icon includes a numbered indicator, the indicator shows how many unread messages you have in your Inbox. Once you read the new messages, the indicator will disappear.



The toolbar at the top of the Inbox displays the global message options.

To load all your conversations for a particular course, select it under the course filter [1]. You can also filter by type [2]. Filtering by type lets you filter messages by Inbox, Unread, Starred, Sent, Archived, and Submission Comments. Learn more about filtering messages Links to an external site..

You can search for conversations by user in the Search box [3].

To compose a message, click the Compose icon [4].  See more about composing messages below.



Once you have selected a conversation, you can use the other options in the toolbar to:

Reply Links to an external site. to a conversation [1]

Reply-all to a conversation [2]

Archive Links to an external site. a conversation [3]

Delete Links to an external site. a conversation [4]

You can also use the More Options icon [5] to forward Links to an external site., mark a conversation as read or unread, and star conversations Links to an external site..



Conversations for your selected course and Inbox filter appear in the left Inbox panel [1]. The list is organized chronologically with the newest conversations appearing at the top.

When you select a conversation, all messages in the conversations thread appear in the right Inbox panel [2].  


Using the icons at the top right of the message, you can reply, reply-all, forward, or delete the individual message or thread.



Click the Compose icon.


Select your course from the course drop-down menu.



If you wish to send a message to your tutor, in the To field, select Teachers from the drop-down and then select the name of your tutor from the list. Your SPM can be found under Teaching assistants.



In the subject line field [1], enter a subject for your message.

If you are sending your message to multiple users, but you do not want each user to see who else was included in the message, click the Send an individual message to each recipient checkbox [2].

In the message field [3], type your message. All content is sent in plain text. URLs included in a message automatically become clickable links after the message is sent.

To include an attachment or media file, click the Attachment or Media File buttons [4].

When you are finished, click the Send button [5].
