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Welcome to your Wolsey Hall AS Level Biology (International) Course

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This Sample shows One module from the full course and is designed to give you a flavour of the Wolsey Hall approach to home study.

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Course Structure

Wolsey Hall A Level courses are written around textbooks which we have chosen as the best available for each syllabus. You will be guided through your textbook(s) by working through a series of online modules. These have been developed by a subject specialist and include detailed guidance linked to the textbook(s) and extensive online resources.

Once you have completed all the material and activities provided in each module, and feel comfortable with the subject content, you should begin work on the assignment at the end of the module. You will submit your assignments via Canvas, to be marked by your tutor. Each assignment is then returned to you with a grade and detailed feedback within 3-5 days.

You should make sure you review all of the feedback provided by your tutor on the previous assignment, as well as looking at the mark scheme and any specimen answers before beginning each new assignment.

Programme of Study

At the start of each course, you will find your Programme of Study, which explains how the course is structured, gives details of your syllabus and examinations and alerts you to the important resources you will need to use throughout your course, which can be found in the General Resources section of the course. At the end of this page, you will find an overview of the reading you need to do in your textbook(s) and details of how each module and topic relates to the syllabus. Please read this document very carefully, alongside the syllabus, before you begin work on the course and before meeting your tutor.

Course Support

You have been enrolled by your Progress Manager who is available to help you with any administrative issues, to support you throughout your course and help you keep to your Assignment Schedule.

You will begin your course with a welcome video call with your course tutor. Here you will have an opportunity to discuss the course and raise any questions or concerns. You can also have a second call with your tutor at any time during the course. Think carefully about when to use this and discuss it with your tutor. Halfway through the course may be a good idea, or perhaps towards the end, when you are revising and need a few helpful tips. At other times, if you require guidance, you will be able to contact your tutor via the Canvas messaging system.

Best wishes,

The Wolsey Hall Team