Praise and feedback

Regular praise and feedback are crucial for ensuring your child remains motivated and makes progress. When your child is learning always look for what they are doing well and what you want to see more of. Praise is most effective when it is specific. For example, rather than saying ‘Well done’ you might say: ‘Well done for remembering to use a full stop at the end of your sentence’.

You may want to use the following prompts:

  • I like the way you…
  • I have noticed that…
  • I am really impressed with how…
  • I can see how hard you were thinking when…
  • Well done for…
  • I can that you were able to…

Alongside praise it is important for your child to know how they can improve. Your child’s tutor will provide you and your child with feedback following assignments which will help you know what to focus upon. 

The Praise and Feedback Starters below can be downloaded to help to illustrate how to provide praise and feedback.

Download DOWNLOAD - Praise and Feedback Starters