Topic One (1.1): Britain and the World in 1901

Introduction Icon.png Introduction

Welcome to the 20thcentury! In this topic, we take an overview of the major events, people and turning points at the start of the 1900s. Despite the amazing inventions, people still struggled to live day by day. There was a growing sense that life for many people could and should be improved. In this topic, you will learn about some of the people who helped to bring about change for millions of ordinary people, especially for women and for the poor.

Interact Icon.png Working through your coursebook

  • When you study History, you learn all about different events, time periods and people, and it’s important to understand how they fit together over time. So that’s why we’re starting this course by recapping chronology. If you have studied the course since Year Seven, you will be familiar with timelines. However, if you feel unfamiliar with your chronology, complete question 1 in the ‘Over to You’ section on page 7.
  • Next, study pages 8 to 11 and think carefully about the reasons why people would have been proud of Britain or their respective country at the start of the century. Complete the ‘Over to You’ section on page 9 and the ‘Over to You’ section on page 11.
  • Pages 12 to 15 tackle the issues of poverty and how the Liberal party tried to ‘close the gap’. There were lots of campaigners too and you can summarise their thoughts by discussing the ‘Over to You’ section on page 13 and then complete the ‘Over to You’ section on page 15 to create an overview of the Liberal reforms.

NewLearning.png Interactive Kerboodle Activities

Log into Kerboodle and complete these activities to further support and reinforce your learning.

  • Check your knowledge with this true or false exercise:

COMPLETE - 1.1A History Skills: Knowledge and Understanding Links to an external site.

  • This excellent animation develops your learning on public health at the beginning of the century:

WATCH - 1.2A Animation Links to an external site.

  • This cause and consequence activity will help you with your PEE skills:

COMPLETE - 1.2B History Skills: Cause and Consequence Links to an external site.

Stretch Icon.png Extension activity for this topic

  • As a challenge, try the Interpretation Analysis on page 9. Think carefully about how you can use your own knowledge to support and challenge the interpretation.
  • Complete the Source Analysis section on page 15. Aim to think carefully about what is useful based on your knowledge and the provenance of the source.

Link Icon.png Optional resources

These will be useful to extend your knowledge for assignments.

  • If you want to find out about more inventions of the 20th century, check out this website:

READ - 8 Inventions of the 20th Century that Changed the World (InterestingEngineering) Links to an external site.

  • You might like to use the National Archives to recap or find out more about Victorian homes in showcasing the lives of rich and poor:

READ - Victorian Homes (NationalArchives) Links to an external site.

  • The National Archives also has an excellent resource on Liberal Reforms as well!

READ - Liberal Reforms (NationalArchives) Links to an external site.