Module One

To start off, we are going to look at the Internet of Things (IoT), a concept that just a few years ago hadn’t even been dreamed of. Not so long ago, the idea of having a smartphone that could not just make calls but access the internet, in your pocket, was the realm of science fiction. Now we can check our fridge or turn on the kettle from our phones. Some modern cities have thousands of devices all working together to route municipal vehicles, and sensors on railway tracks to detect problems and keep the trains moving.

The IoT – The bringing together of internet technology and microcontrollers is changing the world in which we live, and learning your place in that is essential. Apart from the impact it is going to have on the world in which you grow up, it’s also really exciting!

You should work through each topic, reading your coursebook, completing the activities and watching any videos. At the end of each topic, you will review your understanding. You will also find optional support if you need it, or extension activities if you would like an extra challenge.

Before you complete Assignment One, there are six topics to complete.

Topics Icon.png Module One topic work

Topic One (1.1): Introduction and Your place in the IoT

Topic Two (1.2): How the IoT connects devices and Using sensors

Topic Three (1.3): Functions of an IoT device and Other hardware used on the IoT

Topic Four (1.4): Data storage and How we use the IoT at home

Topic Five (1.5): Commercial uses of the IoT and Transport and the IoT

Topic Six (1.6): Go further, Challenge yourself and Final project

Link Icon.png  Software requirements

There are no specific software requirements for this module.