Parents - Google Child Account
Dear Parent,
We use cloud services such as Google Documents and Office 365 within Computing courses. Not only does this lighten the burden on you having to buy and install software on your child’s computers, but it also exposes your child to the real world of Computing; cloud services are now ubiquitous.
However, due to the age of your child they may set up a child’s account which may restrict their access to certain of the services they use. We will endeavour to walk you through the process.
Creating your child’s account
Visit Google and click Sign In
Note. If you are signed in already you can click on the circle in the top right hand corner of the Google page (next to the 9 dots representing the Google apps) and click 'add another account' and then 'use another account' then you should be able to create account as below:
Then click Create account > For my child
You will be informed of your responsibilities. Check through them then click Yes, Continue
Enter your child’s name and click Next
Fill in their basic information and click Next
Now you get to choose them an email address (how exciting!) – then click Next
Now enter a password. You must enter it twice. Then click Next
We recommend that passwords are:
- Minimum 8 characters long
- Are easy to remember
- But do not consist of a single dictionary word, name, etc
- Should mix upper case, lower case, digits and special symbols.
Now you need to enter your email address or telephone number. Requests will be sent through to this so make sure you have easy access to it. It is easiest if this is a Google account (or Google activated account) so you don’t have to go through extra verifications.
You will now be given a lot of information about your responsibilities and what you can manage. At the bottom you have to tick twice to take responsibility then click Agree.
Now you need to put in your password to prove you are who you say you are.
(Note this may go through some verifications – mine made me confirm on my phone through the YouTube application!)
A little more information then Next
You can choose to personalise in express (recommended) or manual mode, then Next. I choose express.
Note. You an use Manual personalization to configure your child's account. You can also change settings in Family link later. You can read this Google Safety Centre guide to help you:
Click Confirm on the next page.
And Agree on the next one.
You should then be sent an email to your email address to confirm.
After pressing Continue your child will be logged in to Google.