Topic Four (1.4): Data Storage and How we use the IoT at Home

Topics Icon.png Objectives for this topic

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:

  • describe the differences between, and pros and cons of, storage devices;
  • describe some of the current home uses of IoT devices.

You might also be able to:

  • discuss the steps you might go through to check an IoT device is working properly

Introduction Icon.png Introduction

So far, we’ve looked at a multitude of ways of collecting and transmitting data using IoT. However, data that is transient (that is, it disappears) is often quite useless – we often want to store the data for monitoring, logging, or analysis. Perhaps we want to do more exciting things like applying machine learning to your smart watch data to help you become more fit, or we want to analyse the number of times you open the fridge door to see whether we could sell you a diet plan. Ultimately, we need to look at ways in which we can store data from IoT devices.

Interact Icon.png Working through your coursebook

Read pages 20–21 in your Computing Stage 7 book.

  • Make sure you understand the learning points.
  • Make sure you understand the key words described. Add them to your flashcards.
  • Complete the practice task on page 21. It would be a good idea to talk about your thoughts on this with a friend, or parent, to see if they come up with the same ideas as you.

Read pages 22–24 in your Computing Stage 7 book.

  • Make sure you understand the key words described. Add them to your flashcards.
  • Complete the practice task on pages 23–24. See how many types of actuators you can find out about on the internet.
  • Complete the red box task on page 24. Consider why it is important to have a checklist for problem solving of IoT devices.

Review Icon.png Review

Reflect upon the four pages you have just covered. In your notes summarise:

  • what you have learned;
  • what you already knew;
  • what surprised you;
  • what you are curious to know more about.

Bridge Icon.png Support activity for this topic

To see some of the interesting things that robotic arms can do:

Stretch Icon.png Extension activity for this topic

Another interesting video on the pros and cons of IoT: