Topic Three (1.3): Functions of an IoT Device and Other Hardware used on the IoT

Topics Icon.png Objectives for this topic

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:

  • describe functions of an IoT device, including what is input and what is output;
  • describe additional hardware that may be part of an IoT device or the IoT in general.

You might also be able to:

  • discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a range of IoT devices and related hardware.

Introduction Icon.png Introduction

The great thing about the IoT is that it is a whole network of things – there are many different types of devices which are now IoT-enabled, from 3D printers to mass storage devices, from WiFi kettles to autonomous delivery robots.

Not all hardware is useful for all purposes; however, sometimes things may be IoT-enabled for the sake of it or as a gimmick, rather than to add useful functionality. In this topic you will look at some of the additional hardware that may be used in IoT, and both the advantages and disadvantages of them.

Interact Icon.png Working through your coursebook

Read pages 16–17 in your Computing Stage 7 book.

  • Read the learn box on page 18 about other hardware used on the IOT.
  • Make sure you understand the learning point on page 16.
  • Make sure you understand the key words described. Add them to your flashcards.
  • Complete the practice task on page 17. Use the presentation sensors that you completed in the previous topic.

Read pages 18-19 in your Computing Stage 7 book.

  • Make sure that you understand the key words described. Add them to your flashcards.
  • Complete the practice task on page 17. Copy the table into your notes, or onto a new presentation slide, and fill in as much as you can before completing the task below.
  • Complete the extra task in the grey-green box on the right on page 19.

Review Icon.png Review

Reflect upon the four pages you have just covered. In your notes summarise:

  • what you have learned;
  • what you already knew;
  • what surprised you;
  • what you are curious to know more about.

Bridge Icon.png Support activity for this topic

An amusing video showing the problem of doing things for the sake of it:

Stretch Icon.png Extension activity for this topic

An interesting presentation on some of the dangers of the IoT: