In addition to the global (left) menu bar which provides an overview of all your courses and your account, the course menu bar gives you information about a particular course.
You’ll see that the left menu bar has four items:
From time to time your Tutor or the Wolsey Hall Team may leave an Announcement for you.
Any Announcements to do with your course will appear on the Recent Activity page and will also be sent to you according to your notification preferences e.g. either by email or text. But you can also access Announcements by clicking on the Announcements tab in the left-hand menu.
Clicking on the Modules tab will take you to the lesson plans and resources for your course.
Clicking on Assignments in the left menu bar will show you all the assignments on your course.
Clicking on Grades in the left menu bar will bring up your grades so far on the course.
Please note: If the course menu bar is not visible, click on the 3 horizontal blue lines in the top left-hand corner as shown below, and the menu will be displayed.
At the top of the Welcome page, you will find a number of icons.
To begin your course, look through General Resources, and then begin with Part 1. In Part 1 you will find all of the lesson plans you need for the first part of the course. If your course has subscriptions, further information about logging in to the subscription will be found in General Resources.