Once you have completed your assignment, please submit it to your tutor by following these steps:
- Navigate to the Assignment section located in the left-hand menu
- Select the appropriate assignment
- For multiple submission options: Click on 'Choose a submission type' and upload your file OR
- Click on Choose a file to upload and select your file
Select the 'Choose a file to upload' option to locate and upload your finished assignment from your computer, or drag in onto the panel.
Your file will be uploaded and you will see the file name appear at the top of the panel. If you have uploaded a file in error, you can use the delete icon to remove it and re-upload the correct one.
Add any covering comments you wish to make using the the Add Comment button in the top right corner.
Once you are satisfied with your submission, click the Submit Assignment button located at the bottom right corner of the page to finalize your submission.
The assignment and any covering comments will be sent to your tutor who will be notified by email that you have submitted an assignment.
Once you have submitted your work, your submission details will be displayed at the top of the page, including the ability to view or download the successfully submitted assignment. Note that intermittent internet connectivity issues may cause upload failures, even if the 'Submitted!' message appears. In such cases, please re-submit the assignment (see below).
At times, you may need to re-submit your assignment, for example if you have uploaded the wrong file, or if you are told your work is unsuitable for grading due to formatting issues. To do this, click New Attempt on the assignment submission page as shown above. The upload process is the same as for your initial submission. The current attempt number will be shown in the Attempt drop-down, and you will have the option to Cancel Attempt or Submit Assignment.
Once your new attempt has been submitted, you will be able to toggle between submissions using the Attempt drop down. This allows you to check whether the issue with your previous submission has been resolved.
So that you have the most up-to-date version of your assignment we advise you to download each assignment only when you are ready to complete it. Downloading all assignments at the beginning of your course risks working from out-of-date versions of the assignment.
Tutors will post an Announcement if an assignment has changed, so please check Canvas regularly to see if any have been updated.
You can also see details about your assignment and links to additional feedback in the Gradebook by clicking on Grades in the left menu bar.
We ask that you do not re-submit an assignment once it has been marked. Once you have had your marked assignment returned you will be able to access the Mark Scheme and/or a Specimen Answer.
Please check the following before submitting your work:
Only one file is being submitted (unless different file types are required for the submission, e.g. in languages or computer science) HELP - Merge multi-page documents
Page size is 210 mm x 297mm or 8.5 x 11 inches - HELP - Fixing page size
The file size should be under 20MB. If not, please click here to reduce the size Links to an external site..
If any of the above requirements are not met, your work will be unsuitable for grading, and you shall be asked to reformat it and resubmit – which will, unfortunately, lead to a delay in receiving feedback.