Video assignments can be submitted in one of two ways: either by recording yourself on directly Canvas, or by recording a video and uploading it.
If you record your submission directly onto Canvas, it can be more difficult to download your assignment at the end of the course if you wish to keep a copy for your records. Therefore, if keeping copies of your videos is important to you, you may choose to use upload as your preferred option.
On your assignment page, Click Start Assignment.
You will see the Media box appear on the page, as shown below. Click Record/upload media.
A Record Media window will open. Canvas may request access to your microphone and webcam – you will see a pop up in your browser similar to the one below. Please choose Allow.
Once you have given Canvas access to your microphone and webcam, you can begin your assignment submission by selecting Start Recording. You can access mic and webcam options by selecting the icons on either side.
When you are done, click Finish. You will also have the option to Start Over.
When you are happy with your video, fill in the file name box and click Save Media.
If you would prefer to record your own video file, choose the Upload media tab, and then Select Video File, as shown below, to add your file. The file size must be under 500MB. A list of media file types accepted by Canvas can be found at the end of this page.
Finally, click Submit assignment to finish.
Please note: only one video may be uploaded per assignment. If you take more than one video, you will need to merge these videos before submitting. HandBrake is free and open-source software that allows you to compress videos.
Using the Canvas App
If you are using the Canvas app on a mobile device, please follow the steps shown in the screenshots below. Firstly, select Submit assignment.
You will then be presented with two choices: Media recording or File upload. Select your preferred option to record or upload your file.
Supported Video Formats
The Canvas media player supports H.264 video playback. Canvas will accept the following video files for playback:
FLV – Flash Video
ASF – Windows Media
QT – Apple QuickTime
MOV – Apple QuickTime
MPG – Digital Video Format
MPEG – Digital Video Format
AVI – Digital Video Format
M4V – Digital Video Format
WMV – Windows Media
MP4 – Digital Video Format
3GP – Multimedia Mobile Format
Supported Audio Formats
Canvas will accept the following audio files for playback:
MP3 – Digital Audio Format
WMA – Windows media audio
MWV – Windows Media
Please check the following boxes before submitting your work:
☑️only one file is being submitted
☑️if uploading from your computer or mobile device the file size is under 500MB
If any of the above requirements are not met, you may have trouble uploading to Canvas. If may also make it unsuitable for marking and you shall be asked to reformat it and resubmit – which will unfortunately lead to a delay in receiving feedback.