Before an assignment can be viewed or submitted, there are certain requirements and prerequisites which must be met. This is to help ensure you progress through the course in the correct order and at an appropriate pace. For all courses, each assignment will appear locked until the previous assignment has been graded. There may be other additional requirements for unlocking assignments, which can vary between courses. If a module contains a quiz, this will need to be completed with a score of at least 1 point. On some courses it may be necessary to view the pages preceding an assignment, or mark them as done.

If an assignment appears locked and you are unsure why, you can check by clicking on Assignments in the left-hand navigation menu. When you select an assignment here, if it is locked you will see a list of prerequisites which have not yet been met, and will need to be completed in order to unlock it. You can click the padlock icon next to an assignment name to view specific details:

Screenshot showing a locked assignment, and list of completion prerequisites.

On language courses where each module has two assignments (A and B), Assignment A must be viewed in order to unlock Assignment B.

Screenshot showing a locked assignment on a language course, and completion prerequisites.

If you have met all requirements and an assignment remains locked, you can click Help on the left menu bar, then select Report a Problem.