Module One
This module should be read in conjunction with the Programme of Study.
The Programme of Study lists the topics that are in the module and gives you the relevant page references for your textbook. This module aims to give you more direction as you work through the various topics. It will aim to highlight the most important items in the topic, as well as areas that need particular care. It will also point you towards the resources you should be using.
Remember to double-check the syllabus to make sure you cover all the items that you need to.
Module Overview
This topic focuses on a lot of the biochemistry, so having a good background in molecular chemistry can be helpful, but it isn’t essential. Remember that the shape and direction of bonds is important – you can’t always change the direction of a bond to make a diagram clearer, for example. You will also be starting to study the circulatory system, focusing on the composition of blood, how clotting works, and how haemoglobin carries oxygen.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
- Read pages 2 to 3 of the textbook, focusing on the ‘What Prior Knowledge Do I Need?’ box to check if your IGCSE knowledge needs revisiting.
- EXPLORE – General Resources Materials - You won’t need all of them now, but it’s worth knowing what’s there for later reference.
- Use your IGCSE textbook to review any aspects of this that you cannot recall (BBC Bitesize is also a good resource here).
- Is there any area of weakness? If there is, ask your tutor for help.
Topic One (1.1): Chemistry for Biologists
Topic Two (1.2): Carbohydrates
Topic Three (1.3): Lipids and Proteins
Topic Four (1.4): Mass Transport and Blood