Textbook Errors (A Level Biology - International)
AS Textbook Answers (Pearson)
- Section 1B - Q7ai – The answer should be Option C (not option A)
- Section 1C.3 – Q3b – ‘Deaths per 100,000 population’ should be on the y-axis (not x-axis)
- Section 1C.3 – Numbering of questions in this section is incorrect, but the answers are in the correct order. – At the top it lists it as Topic 3 Cell structure, Reproduction, Development, when in fact the question is found in Topic 1 Molecules, Transport and Health. The question numbers should be:
1a) Non-modifiable risk…
b) Non-modifiable – any two…
c) For each factor given…
2a) [table]
b) Make a bar graph…
3) Three reasons from:
Student Book 2
- Page 10 – Checkpoint Question 3 – The answer should read:
Rf for pigment A = 62/70 = 0.89, either carotene or phaeophytin (investigation should be repeated to get reliable results) and
Rf for pigment B = 20/70 = 0.29 xanthophyll 1
A2 Textbook Answers (Pearson)
- No errors identified to date.