Topic Two (1.2): New ideas
Objectives for this topic
- To investigate the major changes to scientific and artistic thinking during the Renaissance period.
From around the thirteenth century, new ideas started to change people’s beliefs about the world and their place in it.
Working through your coursebook
Please work through the following sections in your coursebook, completing all listed exercises:
- Read through page 33 to 34 about the Renaissance, Humanism and the Arts. Complete question 1 of the Review and Understand and Question 3 of the Apply and Analyse on page 35. You can use the following sheet if you wish to record your answers:
COMPLETE – Worksheet 0.4 Download COMPLETE – Worksheet 0.4
- Read pages 34 to 35 on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Complete question 2 of Review and Understand and 4 of Apply and Analyse on page 35. You can use the same worksheet as above.
- Use the following website to find out about the invention and importance of the printing press. You can watch the video. Then use this information to write a paragraph explaining why the printing press was such a significant invention and why it would have helped the emergence of new ideas.
READ AND WATCH – The Printing Press ( Links to an external site.
Support activity for this topic
- Find out more about Renaissance art:
WATCH – The Mona Lisa (Khan Academy) Links to an external site.
- Complete activity 5 of the Evaluate and Create task on page 35: research and create a poster about a significant individual from the Renaissance and their achievements. You can use worksheet 0.4 above if you wish.
- Listen to the following short podcast about the Enlightenment:
Extension activity for this topic
- Deepen your knowledge of the Renaissance with the following podcast:
- Take on the mission to find the ‘Mona Lisa’ and deliver it to the most powerful man in Florence! Have fun with the following historical game:
PLAY – Renaissance Game ( Links to an external site.
Check your answers
CHECK - 0.4 Student Book Answers Download CHECK - 0.4 Student Book Answers